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Categoría | Protección del niño |
The extent to which children are affected by migration is a topic that CARICOM Member States are only beginning to explore, despite the region’s traditionally strong intra- and extra-regional migration flows. Recent examples of high level discussions in CARICOM are the Twelfth Special Meeting of the Council for Human and Social Development (COHSOD) (March 2008) as well as the discussions held during the Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government (July 2008). In fact, as part of the preparations for the Special COHSOD a four country study on children affected by migration was commissioned by the UNICEF Office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the CARICOM Secretariat (CCS), entitled “The Impact of Migration on Children in the Caribbean.”5 The findings of the study indicated that children are significantly affected by migration, including psycho-social difficulties such as feelings of abandonment, low self esteem, anger, depression and/or material obsession that could result in behaviour problems. School performance, even losing the right to education, no access to health care and the inability to register newborns are also noticeable effects of migration on children. Furthermore, they are quite vulnerable to sexual abuse and exploitation. COHSOD recognized the issue of children deprived from parental care and in particular for those who are affected by migration. The COHSOD’s Communiqué for the March 2008 meeting mentioned that legislative reform should address the following areas: “children without adequate care and protection, particularly those in foster care and children affected by migration, enforcement of legislation relating to child labour, exploitation and trafficking and justice for children and reforms related to strengthening birth registration systems., presentado por Compassion International, ofrece ideas, oportunidades de aprendizaje y relaciones para ayudar a equipar a las personas que trabajan con niños en situación de riesgo. Somos una comunidad mundial de seguidores de Jesús comprometidos con el desarrollo integral de los niños. Lo invitamos a que se una a nosotros como comunidad colaborativa para compartir con otros las ideas, experiencias, métodos y herramientas que ayuden a los niños a triunfar incluso en la peor de las adversidades. es presentado por Compassion International, una organización 501(c)3 registrada sin fines de lucro. Todos los recursos, los cursos y las discusiones son para propósitos educativos únicamente, no para lucrar.